Monday, October 12, 2015

Einem Nukacola, bitte.

I DLed Wolfenstein: Old Blood to use as a shake down for Fallout 4 on the new computer. I am glad that I did. There is a flickering screen problem that people with Nvidia cards have when running some games on Windows 10 and I am one of those people. The current fix is to run the game in a window, but there are more detailed fixed that I am not quite brave enough to try.

Other than that, the games works amazing. I will try to use it and Adventure Capitalist to distract me over the next 27+ days until my game drops. I feel like am I in a perpetual X-mas Eve. This state of arousal is exhausting. It has eroded my interest in anything else.

I feel like even when Fallout 4 drops, I'll still be sucked into a world without 40k or painting. I'll do my best to make posts about what I am doing in Fallout, but those are less interesting and kind of off topic for this blog. On the other hand, off-topic content is better than no content at all.

On a cute side note, I did find a little Easter Egg from the detail-oriented folks at Bethesda. It seems that they could not help but to cross the streams between Wolfenstein and Fallout. Unfortunately, this is just for fun an in no way means that the worlds could be the same as Nukacola was invented in 2044. That's about a century too late to be in the Wolfenstein world.

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