Tuesday, July 17, 2018

DMed Star Wars Saga - Still Waters

I am DMing an average of once per year at this point. Not to imply that it was ever regular in the first place. Ran one game of Dread at a friend's brewery that was great. Facilitated Fiasco even though I am crap at explaining the very simple rules.

Recently, I have gathered a gaming group closer to home and we have been running the older d20 Star Wars Saga game and I love it. Already painted up a mini for my lightsaber sparring droid and have played a few sessions with the crew which is composed of a Chiss politician, a human pilot, a Zabrak mercenary, a sneaky Ewok, a Duros mechnic and a scholarly human Jedi.

The regular DM let me run a game and I wrote one inspired the The Adventure Zone Amnesty and the water elemental. I loved the idea of an invulnerable and utterly alien creature. I also love the elements of horror and suspense inherent to that arc.