Monday, August 27, 2018

Star Wars RPG - Homecoming Part 1

"Transmission Incoming...  Source: encrypted From: Abo Dolfini To: Dead Drop #547 Subject: Extraction  Greetings Rebels,  A mission has come down that seems suited to your group's particular skill set.   A long time operative on IridoniaOtam Shay, has uncovered some valuable information and has signaled for extractions. This information is reputed to be very sensitive and cannot be transmitted through the holonet  Attached is the location of a safe house in Vorgaa Station that Shay has used recently. Contact him there and get him and the information he carries off planet.   Additionally, there are rumors of an archeological site in the area dating back thousands of years that may still be undisturbed. If time permits, investigate and see there is anything useful or valuable located there.   May The Force Be with You "

On the as yet unnamed ship on the way to Iridonia, the crew took some time to get to know each other a little better. Ouca and Reeza talked about their similar backgrounds where their families were taken from them at a young age and what they did to survive. Reeza stole when he needed to but always tried to take from bad people if they could. Ouca learned the ways of the warrior to escape but never let the fire of revenge die in his heart. Asha and Toch continued their training and probed the feelings of those on board. With no navi-computer on board, CQ-38 used a module installed in him to calculate the route through hyperspace. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Editorial - Why Do I Try So Hard

Just spent about 20 hours painting this Vulkan mini and really stressing over the green armor. I need to try weathering powders so I banged out a set of legs to try them on. Rather than stress over painting the armor in a detailed fashion, I just did a quick dry brush and it turned out really well.

And that is the frustrating part. I spend a lot of time putting paint precisely where I want it and to have a very easy technique so closely approximate all my hard work. It is frustrating to know that there is an easy button out there.

Regardless, this mini is pretty much done except for some details and the weathering powders.