Monday, September 24, 2018

Star Wars RPG - Homecoming Part 2

Over the last two sessions, the crew of the as yet unnamed vessel has covered a lot of ground.

Riza deftly piloted the speeder carrying Ouca and Toch around the lake of acid to try and catch up to Ottam Shay, the Rebel Operative. In their way was a whole platoon of Storm Troopers on swoop bikes. As they moved up, Toch used his mysterious hand gestures to push speeders into the acid lake while Asha deftly jumped from speeder to speeder. Tikka and Mal showed up after hearing the frantic comms chatter from the crew. Tikka rammed a few speeders off the road and Mal got every MPS out of those engines.

The last hurdle they had to jump was a giant chasm filled with a crashed freighter. Asha and Tikka made the jump ok but Riza, hindered by the larger craft, made an awkward landing.

When the smoke cleared, they found that Shay had stopped short and was now in a fire fight with a dozen boys in white. True to form, Tikka rammed a Trooper and dodged blasts from his avenging comrades. Asha took a crippling hit from trying to sneak up on an enemy while Toch and Reeza exploded and crushed four troops without breaking a sweat.

At the end of the battle, Shay appeared from the sidelines having vanished from his hiding spot behind his speeder with no one noticing. Shay reminded the crew that he would not leave without trying to free a clan of Zabraks that had become enslaved by an Imperial officer to farm yarrock plants to make spice. The crew agrees and they move out to scout the location.

They find a mostly undefended Zabrak village except for the platoon of battle droids stationed around. They see Lt. Phiel stumbling around outside one of the buildings and start to make a plan. Shay will make a distraction on one end of the village while Toch, Mal, Tikka and Asha come from the other direction to try and find the droid controller. Riza and Ouca planned on coming from a different direction to try and incapacitate Phiel and the drone control module.

The plan starts off well. Shay’s distraction draws off about a third of the droids while team sneaky checks one of the units before alerting the droids. Riza tries to swiftly zoom in on a speeder bike but clips a fence and ends up sprawled in front of a hung over Lt. Phiel and a very deadly B2 battle droid. A struggle ensues between Ouca and Phiel while Riza goes toe-to-toe with the droid.

Meanwhile, Mal jumps into a building and lays down covering fire for Tikka as she checks another device to see if it is the droid controller… and it is! She rips at wires to try and disable it but as she does, Mal is shot for the first time in his life. Just as Tikka disables the droid controller, Ouca wrestles the controller away from Lt. Phiel.

In the aftermath, the leader of the Zabrak clan comes forward and introduces himself as Tabat of clan Reema. Ouca stiffens at that name and says that Reema is th name of the clan that wiped out his clan when he was young. We briefly dip into an alternate universe where a very hangry Ouca used the control pad to blow up all the control collars to take revenge.

Meanwhile, back in a galaxy far far away, Tock surreptitiously yank the control unit out of Ouca’s hands. Ouca challenges Tabat to a honor duel for clan leadership and defeats him. An ancient survivor of Ouca’s clan, GrealĂ© Reema, holds up the ritual knife and declares Ouca leader of the clan. Ouca took up the mantle only to rename the clan Droso in honor of his former clan then drove the knife into the ground.

While all this drama was going down, Mal was eying the fallen battle droids and the drone controller that Tikka ripped apart and has an idea. As he gathers parts and busted droids, the crew sees Phiel speed off on one of their bikes. Ouca, Riza and Asha went into the hills to locate the shrine of clan Droso based on a hint from Grealé that there may be more survivors of clan Droso. Deep in the hills they find the shrine and a suit of ARC Clone armor neatly folded. Inside the helmet, there is a small data cylinder with a tacked on glass plate. They head back to the village as they ponder the significance.

Unable to catch Phiel, the Crew heads back to Vorgraa Station with a haul of baled yarrock for trade. They are able to unload it but while doing so catch a glimpse of a hologram of Lt. Phiel talking about them but neglecting to say anything about the slave-labor drug farm. The hologram says that the entire planet is under interdiction until the crew is found and dealt with.

As the crew sees that hologram, Tkka sees some StormTroopers checking IDs creeping up on the party. She slinks off and rigs up a tripwire while the crew makes their get away. While the Troopers pick themselves up, the crew makes a hasty getaway.

They swing back by Bilko’s Bistro, the cantina where they first found Phiel and Shay, to drop off the bikes they “borrowed” and pick up Asha’s floating footlocker which was behind the bar and now covered in graffiti but intact. Before she leaves, Asha gives her comlink code to the bartender incase Xen Zorra comes looking for her. Tikka and Mal also drop off the bike they “borrowed” by one of the star ships parked outside of the city walls.

Now pedestrians, the crew found a place to rent speeders to return to the Zabrak village that won’t ask too many questions in exchange for some additional credits. They leave town and head back to the village with a pile of credits in hand from selling the unprocessed yarrock to donate to the Zabraks so they can defend themselves from Phiel in the future. In an attempt to lay low, thought to investigate the rumors of a temple in the middle of the acid lake.

Since their ship can’t take off and the speeders can’t travel over the acid lake for very long, the crew needed to figure out how to cross this barrier. Tikka nd Ouca have the idea to use one of the giant tortoise’s shells as a boat and Mall riggs up a propulsion system from one of the rented bikes.

The crew zips off across the acid lake in their tortoise boat guided by Ouca’s knowledge. They find the island and the only inhabitants are some dog-sized lizards and some of the giant tortoises. They find the temple carved out of the side of a mountain.

The entrance has a causeway with a small building on it. Inside they discover a pyramid made of a dark warm metal that has an indentation and an inscription in aurebesh that reads "The way is opened by laying down your life, jidaigeki.” While pondering what this could mean, Mal examined the indentation and found energy receiver capable of handling massive power. Toch takes out his lightsaber, ignites it and inserts it into the pyramid of black stone. The green energy of his lightsaber travels through the black stone, across the floor and up the walls. The black stone starts to close in over Toch’s hand and he has to jerk it back leaving his saber inside the black pyramid. The green energy dissolves the barrier into the temple and the crew presses on.

Outside the small building, the causeway continues to the temple main door. There the party solves the puzzle to open it by rotating discs on the door through the changing seasons. The crew hesitates at the entrance and Ouca and Tikka sneak in. Ouca comes back with reports of some giant monster inside and Tikka finds some curious remains.

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