In addition to picking up 3D printing as a hobby, I have also started down the long, long and very expensive road of apply to the Mandalorian Mercenaries Costume Club. I've always wanted to get into costuming and have been interested in the weirdos I see at cons dressed like Boba Fett had a litter with the Power Rangers. I've looked into it before and was put off by the effort and price. Not that I have more time and a little more money, I have devoted myself to it at least part-time.
Thus far, I have introduced myself on the boards and scoured them for information. I have not madea WIP post because I just don't have that much to say or that much to show off.
This bucket is a Death Watch helmet printed in 14 parts that took about 8-10 hours each. After a week of printing and a few days of burning my eyes with glue fumes, I had the helmet assembled.
I used bits of old loyalty cards to reinforce the seams and super glue to fuse it all together. Lots of sanding later, I had the basic assembly done. There were lots of gaps and misalignment so I used two-part Bondo to fill them and a new mouse sander to file that down. Now PLA plastic doesn't take kindly to 80 grit sandpaper, so that created its own set of problems.
The mercs (they call each other "vod" for reasons that I am sure I will learn later) use one-part glaze to fill gaps and make a smooth finish. That is the red stuff in the picture above.
My plan is to get the gaps to a reasonable place before covering the whole helmet in glaze and using some high grit sandpaper for a finish that is smoother than an android's bottom.
We are a still a long way from finished but this is a very good start.
I am going to try and keep track of what I spend on this kit. Not going to track things that I already have but if I need to buy new tools, I will track those.
Spent so far:
$25 on a roll of PLA filament
$20 on mouse sander
$15 on sanding pads
$6 on Bondo glaze
Total $66
Very nice!