Wednesday, September 16, 2015

On the table - Broodlord

I am sorry that I did not get more in-progress pictures of this mini but it was basically done when I came back to it. Sometimes I have time for painting and sometimes I have time for Blogging. Rarely do I have time for both. 

The Broodlord was painted in the same style as the rest of the damn dirty bugs, only I spent more time on him. The details are a little more fine. The pile of skulls got some extra love too. Perhaps too much. I went a little crazy and was not paying enough attention to the wash pooling. There are areas where detail was erased by too much wash. I am mostly ok with it as it is only on the base and only in places where the shadows are. 

He just needs a little more detail on some of the arms and assembly and he is finished.