Now if this were a BoLS Army Showcase, after that paragraph that took 7 min to write, there would be a giant copied and pasted section written by the person that painted the army followed my 5 or 6 pictures posted with no thought, insight or analysis. But that is not how we roll here at TMM. We use effort!
Cohesive Color Scheme

In short, this army looks like an army.

out and that make this army very unique. I see bits from SM, BA and DA sprinkled through the minis. There are a couple Dark Angel beaky helmets (
I really like this kind of assembly because the minis clearly represent what they are supposed to be, but at the same time the extra bits gives the mini personality and uniqueness. It draws you in and makes you look for other hidden details. It is like an Easter egg hunt. Conversions like this are totally unnecessary in that you could skip them an the army would not be hurt by it but going the extra mile is really classy.
I don't have a good section to stick this in but Trevy is a master assembler. It was difficult to find many mold lines or poorly assembled minis. there are the occasional mistakes, but for the most part this is a well assembled army.
I also like the Armorcast Cinematic Effects. I use them too on occasion and love them. You could sculpt them out of green stuff but Armorcast makes them in a lot of sizes, they are cheap, consistent and made of friggen metal rather than flimsy green stuff.
I did not get an army list from Trevy, but I listed what I can see from his pictures.HQ
Chaplain, Chapter Master?
Sanguinary Guard
Tactical squad w/ Rhino
Tactical squad w/ Rhino
Death Company
DC Dread
Scout Squad
Fast Attack
Assault Squad
Assault Squad
Heavy Support
Storm Raven
Overall, the composition is pretty good and that means a lot coming from me. I am so used to seeing spammy armies on list and BT, it was really refreshing to see a balanced list with good comp. It was the thing that made me want to write this article. I like the variety and number of Troops choice. Granted, Blood Angles makes it easy to fill Troops choices with awesome units like Assault Squads, Death Company and the formidable Death Company Dreads, but Treavy also rounded out his army with other competitive but varied choices. I like the choices of both veteran Sanguinary Guard and Vanguard squads, both converted from other plastic sets.
The three Devastator squads tastes a little like Spam but we can assume that they are really there for heavy weapon choices for Tactical Squads and to swap out weapons for the Devastators. It is good to have options.

Trevy spent a lot of time on the freed-hand details. The Chapter symbols on the shoulder guards, The Sacred Text all over the place, angles on the wings and Rhinos. and (my favorite) the HUD on the Storm Raven. The details are really what makes this army sing.

Trevy did a great job on this army and I am proud to feature it. You can find more of his work at
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