Star Wars minis fortunately come for a song. Worst part was the shipping. Bought this Juggernaut War Droid after searching through 7 pages of Star Wars minis of droids with lightsabers or those electrostaffs. Eventually, I made myself a lightsaber out of a 40k weapon handle and a Necron replacement acrylic rod. The only other conversion was ripping off the jetpack of this droid.
Backing up a little, the back story for this character is he was discovered by a researched-focused archaeologist/Jedi near the end of the Clone Wars but before Order 66. The droid dates back over 4,000 years to the Old Republic era and the Mandalorian wars. I had CQ-38 discovered in a state of shut down and repair when his Jedi discovered him. Part of his programming was to follow orders from Jedi and kill all Mandos he sees. He obeys the Jedi but has not yet had a chance to kill an Mandalorian.
The Jedi he adopted was not focused on the martial arts, so used this droid following him as a sparing partner. Finding out that this Droid was built to kick butt, the Jedi used the droid as a bodyguard of sorts.