Starting work on my Frostgrave warband at the top with the Wizard. Before I knew what school I was going to choose for him, I picked out "Tim the Enchanter" for the mini. I changed around the color scheme a bit because I didn't want to paint that much black. I wanted to be able to pick him out on the table easily and too many minis that are dark and muddy.
Serendipitously, I picked the Enchanting school for my wizard. Initially, I was enthralled by the ability to create Constructs but I could only select 3 starting spells from my main school. I ended up going with the strategy of enchanting weapons and armor during the game and trying to make them permanent. This gives me the ability to buff any soldier in my army and sell those items for extra money.
For healing, I took Lifedrain from the Necromancy (though I am thinking of swapping that for Raise Zombie) and and straight up Heal from Thamaturgy. As far as offence, I didn't take much. Actually, I didn't take any direct damage spells. Everything is either a buff or an out of game spell. I view the caster as enhancing the warband and they are going to do the real work.
In retrospect, I did end up swapping Drain Health for Raise Zombie. The casting number was too high and with it being a Neutral school, I would be succeeding at that spell a quarter of the time. With Raise Zombie, I can cast it out of game without feeling that I am wasting an action or in game if I am running out items to enchantment.
My Final Spell List:
Enchant Armor
Enchant Weapon
Embed Enchantment
Elemental Hammer
Raise Zombie
Brew Potion