I'm planning on writing an article on the Creation of a Space Marine. Once that is done I'll have to come back and cross link these two articles. In this post I am going to try to focus on the differences between what it takes to make a Grey Knight and
what it takes to make a Space Marine.
The Grey Knights are the
chamber militant of the Inquisition and specifically the Daemon Hunters or
Ordo Malleus.
They cruse around, find the things that go bump in the night and bump
right back. They can do this because each and every one them is a
psyker. It is the very rare human that is a psyker and ever fewer of them still can muster their powers for anything productive.
The Grey Knights send out their
Gatherers across
the galaxy to seek out and recruit young mortals to become Grey
Knights. The ply the black between all world and no planet of off limits
to their scouring. As a sign of deference, other Space Marine Chapters
allow the Grey Knights Gatherers ships to take mortals from worlds that
are normally for their recruitment only. Some Chapters (most notably the Exorcists and the Silver Skulls) give the Grey
Knights psychically talented aspirants of their own volition. Heck, the
Gatherers have even been known to swipe psykers off of the
Black Ships of the
Adeptus Astra Telepathica. This shows how much gravatas they have.
Very few mortals have
what it takes to be a Space Marine (I can't find exact numbers but they are only looking for
the best of the best of the best, sir! With honors),
perhaps one in a hundred. Only one in a thousand aspirants can even hope to be a
Grey Knight and many of those die in training. For starters they have to by psykers and that eliminates
the vast majority of humanity. Once they are spotted and deposited in
the Gatherers ships, they then begin their long trek back to the
Sol System and
Titan, their home for the next few years.
No, no, no, no, no, no, YES! No, no, no, no, no, no, YES! |
The aspirants arrive in the Chamber of Trials and with a name like that I'm gonna guess that there is no complementary tea and cookies served. Nowhere is the experience of the aspirant described (I have not read any of the Grey Knight Novels so I can't say for sure. It's just not searchable.), but I wish it was. I think that
Graham or
Dan could make it an awesome scene. I imagine it is like
the scene in Starship Troopers but without the warmth and tenderness. Thousand of scared children and youths (the ideal candidate is below 10 years of age), herded through gates and waiting in long lines while being poked and prodded by unfeeling servitors and acolytes. It's sobering.
But that's what they want. The training and indoctrination for "regular" Space Marines is designed to weed out the non-hackers from the start. For starters Space Marines only take those that have already proven themselves physically and mentally superior to most mortals. Grey Knights are denied this luxury (I suspect) as they have to select those individuals with psychic potential only. Therefor they need to wash out all the weak of body and mind in the training process. I am assuming again that the wash outs that were still living were sent to Terra
to either become part of the
Astronomicon or fed to the God Emperor.
Remember back when I said that only one in a thousand can aspire to be a Grey Knight? After reading some more in the Codex, I learned that this is because only1 in a thousand will survive the first of three challenges on the way to becoming a neophyte. There are some strange places with scary sounding names and anyone that wants to be a Grey Knight has to go through them. It is not explicitly stated but it is strongly implied that these trials are not only really really hard but also deadly.
So you're 10 years old and you've just wandered through the Valley of Death and come out the other side. Some man in robes with a metal face tell you that you've won the grand prize and could you please get on the
probeulator. That's when the really hard and weird stuff starts. At this point, the aspirant undergoes the physical and psychological alteration necessary to make them a Space Marine and that takes about 8 years. Even this is not without danger as many humans are not physiological able to withstand the implants or go insane from the training.
Here is where we diverge from the "regular" genetically-engeneered super-human killing machine and talk about what makes Grey Knights special. For starters, once you start the training, your mind is wiped, name erased and you are given a number. With this you lose whatever made that person unique, but you also lose anything that might leave them open to corruption.
Also, Grey Knights do not really have a "work as your learn" program, meaning they do not employ
Scouts. See, normally when you graduate from your 8 years surgery and indoctrination program, you get so spend some time in shake down as a
Scout. Here you get to have light duty, mostly garrisoning places already taken by Marines, forward scouting duty or long range sniping and support. Grey Knights do not truck with that nonsense and that is a huge departure from the
Codex Astartes.
In the service of the Grey Knights, when you say you are ready, you had best be ready to
put on your boogy shoes and dance. There is no such thing as "light duty" when you are a Grey Knight and you should be ashamed for asking such a stupid question. They are given their
power armor and weapons and sent into the fray. It is assumed that after 8 years of super-intense training that you have mastered all of the arts of battle and are ready for duty. This is similar to doctrine of the
Black Templars where they mix in their Scouts with Marines. It is a kind of trial by fire and I guess the strategy behind it is to let the more experienced Brothers fill in any gaps in the Neophyte's training and the greenies that can't hack it
just f-f-fade away.
This post has set long enough as a draft (2 weeks) and is just too damned long. Stay tuned for the second part of this post that will detail my Strike and Intercept squads.